Thursday, September 17, 2009

What I think about those crappy self help breakup sites

Have you gone through a breakup recently? Have you checked out all of these places that recommend how you should deal with a breakup? I don't agree with most of these places, because all they do is keep you in a funk. You tell yourself, I'm OK I have these how ever many steps and phases to go through to get over it. Guess what, you're angry, hurt, betrayed, lost, confused, lonely, and about a hundred other things all at the same time. Going to a sporting event, or on a trip with friends isn't going to make it all go away when you get home is it?

Sometimes some of the nice stuff is alright, but then you get a temporary pick up only to fall right back down. In my opinion, the only way to deal with anything is head on. That is why I started Relation Termination Corporation to provide people with the tools to deal with their issues. Your friends may be great people, but they forgot what it's like to go through all that if they are happy with who they are with. I bet that they wish you would just shut up already and get over it, like it happens over night. Then one day it happens to them, but you're happy now and you've forgotten what it is like.

If you did nothing to deserve being dumped or were cheated on, then you have every right to be heart broken. Just as the day you fell in love you wanted to announce it from the top of the highest mountain, when you were crushed you wanted to tell everyone how horrible they are. So we have provided a forum that allows you to vent, and tell other people who are more sympathetic what your situation is. In this environment you have a higher probability of meeting someone who knows your situation.

In addition, there are products that allow you to tell them off. Not only is it good to blow off your anger in a nonviolent way, you get to laugh at them and laughter is good medicine. Besides, this world is full of assholes that continue to get away with it. No one puts a stop to them because it isn't nice, well being a cheater isn't nice either. The problem with a lot of people now is that other people do not hold them accountable for their actions. How will they ever end in a position to actually feel sorry and possibly make a change?