Welcome to Relation Termination Corporation's blog. Relation Termination is currently a new company that is here to help those who have had an important relationship end. We have products for all types of relationships even if you had a falling out with a lover, a boss, or a best friend. We understand the serious emotions involved with losing a connection that mattered. Most people suffer a range of emotions from anger, loneliness, rejection, hatred, betrayal, and many more.
We offer a forum for people to some very needed venting, seek advice, and maybe meet someone new. We also have humorous products that are directed towards these emotions. There are clothing products that are back handed gifts that deal with anger in a more peaceful manner, while being highly offensive. We are currently developing several lines of departing cards, that have the same cynical vibe to help deal with these emotions. Other aspects of the products we carry are for consolation purposes.
We understand that at times consolation is necessary in the healing process, and we offer other products that do fit that need as well. The over all vibe of Relation Termination is to help an emotionally injured party recover from the experience. Currently there aren't many significant products out there collaborated under one environment that a person can come to in order to address the situation. It is our goal to become that place, and build a nationally recognized name.
Relation Termination Corporation's site.