Monday, November 28, 2011

Do some women lie and say they're pregnant when they're not... Watch this.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Premature Ejaculation and Girl Talk

Relation Termination Forums

The forums have a purpose I feel, people may be as different as they want to be, but at the end of the day we are all the same animal. We do the same shit over and over again regardless of how many times others before us made that mistake. So at least you can see other peoples story, maybe you will learn from it, or learn the signs to look for when you are questioning your love life. So it is important to post when you have something others should see, because cheating works basically the same anywhere and all the signs are similar. Abuse is the same emotion anywhere, and many other common problems.

The forums on the site have new content, it's pretty good, so if you want to read anything someone else has gone through go for it. If you want to make a post, you should definitely do that too, I try to respond to everyone on there... you never know your story could give me something to make a new shirt with, or a breakup card. More importantly your post could really be helping someone else out.

Try not to make a post too huge if at all possible, even so it's hard not too for some of them, believe me I know. People lose interest really quick sometimes. If you have some humor to your situation, that's always cool too. I'm not afraid to zing your skunt ass ex, you shouldn't be either.

Thanks again,
Naked Dan
Relation Termination Corporation

Monday, August 15, 2011

Skunt Show: Teenage Herpes

In this episode we talk about a teen that caught herpes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This is our newest video, and Relation Termination and it's YouTube vids are evolving yet again.... Keep checking back to see the improvements we're making.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Accepting Donations Again

Last year we got a fair response to people who wanted to donate money so that I can make website improvements... well we are opening the option to do so again.